Drug bleeding is important to treat this complaint. Defecation or bloody bowel movements are not matters that can be ignored or taken for granted. Because the appearance of blood in the stool or stool, can indicate a serious problem with your health. Therefore, you must immediately find out the cause and the right bloody bowel remedy for the condition.
You can find blood when you wipe or wipe the anal area after a bowel movement, or when you want to water your stool. This complaint can be caused by various conditions related to the health of your digestive system.
Causes of bloody bowel movements
The appearance of blood in the stool, can indicate bleeding in one part of your digestive tract. Usually, bloody bowel movements can be characterized by stool accompanied by fresh blood or blackish color. Bright red stools are often caused by:- Fissura ani.
- Bowel polyps or colon cancer.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Infection in the intestine.
- Abnormalities in blood vessels.
- Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
- Diverticulosis or the presence of abnormal pockets in the large intestine.
- Trauma or the presence of foreign objects.
- Injury to the esophagus, or stomach.
- Varicose veins in the esophagus
- Inflammation occurs in the lining of the stomach (gastritis).
- Bleeding in the stomach ulcer.
- Disconnected blood supply to the intestine.
- Blood vessels are not normal.
Treatment of bloody bowel movements
If you have a bowel movement or bloody chapter, the treatment will depend on the underlying cause. To determine the cause of bloody bowel movements, doctors need to do a physical examination, plus supporting examinations such as colonoscopy, gastric endoscopy, blood tests, feces, and CT scans of the digestive organs. Your doctor may suggest that you make lifestyle changes and also consume more fibrous food, so that the stools become soft and to avoid constipation. In addition, the doctor may also prescribe or recommend treatment based on the diagnosis. The bloody bowel drugs that are usually given, include:- An antibiotic drug, to treat H. pylori bacterial infections.
- Antiinflammatory drugs, to treat inflammation of the intestine.
- Surgery, to remove polyps or the presence of parts of the large intestine damaged by colon cancer, diverticulitis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
- Cream and suppository medicine, to treat hemorrhoids.
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